Wow, what a powerful and impactful weekend we had at the Building the Excellent Family summit 2021. We were truly equipped to build our personal and family arks. Each session was infused with its own energy; we learnt about the importance of family constellations, how we can regulate our energies everyday to align with and achieve our goals, why offering value to people more successful than you can help you achieve your own success, how to balance the feminine and masculine to achieve the most from your
relationships and why it's so important to connect to God to build our spiritual arks in this season. This was not to mention the awesome
outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the prophetic in the final session!
All in all, more than 200 years (yes, we did the maths) of experience and wisdom was shared across various professions, sectors and topics, at least 5 continents were represented, new lasting connections were made and 10 hours of valuable content was generated.